Notes on Michael's R course

p = function(...) paste(...,sep='')
replicate(10, sample(1:6,1))
<<- # only affect one level up
repeat and break
sapply() works for a vector or matrix if appropriate.
sapply() returns a list if lengthes are different.
sapply(x, func, args) # you can give additional arguments to sapply function
args()	# instead of ?, we use args to only see the args the function taks.
cumsum	# accumulated sum.
rbinom, dbinom, pbinom, qbinom
pbinom(5, 20, prob=0.5) # what is the probability to see 5 heads.
nchar()	# number of characters in a string.
ppois(x,...,lower.tail=F)	# lower.tail=F give probability of seen x or > x.
rexp	# how long do you need to wait till you see the next one.
rhyper	# 
lapply(pop,sample,rep=T) # pop could be a list with items with different lengthes.
plot(type='n') # plot blank
browser() # debug. command in browser environment: n, c, Q
debug() # put a browser() line at the beginning of the function.
traceback() # trace back the error
options(error=recover) # go back inside the function with error.
methods(plot) # methods of plot for different kinds of objects.
# print and plot function depends on the class of objects.
rowSums(), colSums(), rowMeans(), colMeans() #
xor() # logical switch

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